Saturday, December 3, 2011

Social Media and Visibility

For several weeks I’ve googled and the top hit was a Google Ad for the Inc. Clothing Line on sale at Macy’s. Today the top hit is Inc. Magazine’s 82% off subscription fee, Google Advertisement. I clicked on the ad and it brought me right to their subscription order form.It appears that Inc. uses google ads from time to time to increase visibility and promote their products. The second hit was another Inc. Google Ad that directed me to a site called www. This site operates like Amazon, but it’s mostly selling magazine subscriptions. Once I clicked through I found Inc.’s subscription promo front and center, recommendations and all. The third hit was actually the’s regular URL, which takes you directly to the homepage. This publisher has a prime position and has found a way to reach the top spot of Google Search. Their presence on the web is huge. and Inc magazine use many forms of social media. At the top left hand corner of their homepage Inc. supplies links to 7 social networking sites. On the front cover of the magazine Facebook and Twitter are highlighted as well. Inc. has a robust Facebook page. They create a profile for each printed edition and event they host. There’s a “Like” button on the top portion of the page. Once the user pushes the button, they are giving Inc. access to publish information via their Facebook news feed. This opens up a huge marketing channel for the organization. Not only can they reach the original consumer; now they have access to all their friends. Facebook states, on average, each user is connected to 130 friends. I personally have some friends that have collected over 500 on their page. is using our social connections to promote their content. They posts links to timely articles, which link you to their e-newsletter subscriber form. Along with the articles they post provocative questions to encourage viewers to engage in online conversations.

Inc. has a very healthy Twitter feed. They have over 300,000 followers, who receive anywhere from 2 to 10 tweets a day. All include a short catchy article title with a link to the story that leads the reader right to the Inc.’s website. This drive an enormous amount of traffic to their site on a daily bases. On the right hand side of each article the reader has several opportunities to share the content with friends and colleagues. Readers can tweet, e-mail or share the articles on Linked In and Facebook. They can also post it on a site called Stumbled Upon for greater visibility and distribution. Below each story you’ll find a comment box. Here readers are able to discuss opinions and ideas with others from all over the world.

A few other social media sites Inc. uses are Tumblr, YouTube, RSS Feeds, and offers 7 RSS Feeds, which differ by topic and an additional 20 Entrepreneural blogger feeds. Tumblr is a blogging site that Inc. uses to create social networking around entrepreneurship. What Inc. has done in partnership with YouTube is very interesting. They’ve created their own, free, Inc. Magazine channel readers can subscribe to. They have a personalized YouTube page that consists of many short 1 to 4 minute videos on business topics. These videos can be shared and commented on. Even more popular than Inc.’s YouTube sight is’s-- Inc. Live. They have been really building their presence on this site over the last few months. Inc. can broadcast live interactive video and chat live with their subscribers. This site offers all the social media bells and whistles discussed earlier.

The newest social media venture Inc. is rolling out is called Inc.Jobs and I think it’s a bright idea, especially in this economy. The jobs board ads value to the site and increases traffic. It was up yesterday and now has been taken down. Maybe there are a few glitches with the new page the publisher still needs to iron out. This jobs board will connect Inc.’s 5000 top entrepreneurs with thousands of subscribers seeking employment. Jobs and resumes will be posted on the board and the page will act as a virtual broker between employers and employees. What a great service Inc. is providing to its customer base.

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